Thursday, April 8, 2010

Americans,still in high school!

Are Americans still in high school? That's a question I overheard today. The person was describing the similarities of high school pettiness and the news coverage on celebs and athletes.
I found that I agreed with her almost completely, she  was saying that in high school the "popular kids and the atletes were almost always given a pass. It didn't matter what happend they were special.
The poor kids and non-athletic were outcast not only by the popular kids but, many of the faculty as well. The really smart kids were nerds and geeks.
You hear how Ceo's and president's of companies are demonized, for the amount of money they make, their political choice and, decisions that they make to  keep the business going.
While celebrities are able to get away with almost anything and we almost never hear a complaint about how much they make to act in a movie. Athletes have come under fire for their salaries lately but, there isn't a pay czar regulating athletes pay.
When a company CEO gets into trouble, there's hell to pay. He/She will probably be lambasted by the media even if the accusation is unfounded.
The celeb will almost always be given the benefit of the doubt and, if they are guilty a tear and re-hab will get the media on their side. 
This all sounds vaguely familiar to me. I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
What does this say about our culture? 
Why are Americans so "star struck"?
Why are we stuck in high school?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ego vs Confidence

Ego vs Confidence
 Ego is the self or "I" of a person. 
      I have heard or made reference to someones EGO more than a handful of times over the last weekend. So I decided to look and see what ego was exactly. I found that having an ego wasn't a bad thing if you keep it under control. I also found that people with the biggest ego's are usually scared and unhappy and have low self-esteem. The out of control ego will point fingers and blame others for anything especially their mistakes or, short comings. Occasionally the person with the out of control ego seems confident but, given time their true colors will show.
Confidence is the belief in ones own abilities.
        The most successful people that I know are very Confident.  We all know someone like this and  want to be around this person. Why? This is the person that inspires us. They are able to lead and follow equally well. They tend not to be self serving and usually fun to be around.
         There is a fine line between a confident person and an egotist. Egotist can be very confident but they tend to be bullies. Confident people try to persuade and not bully.
Which is better? You decide.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter bible verses,Jesus and the world culture.

Easter bible verses,Jesus and the world culture. 
You know that Easter used to be about Jesus Christ. I don't think I have seen one thing on the regular T.V programing about the Messiah, except that he is not in vogue.  I don't watch a lot of T.V., however I can get the vibe from what I do consume on radio and T.V. combined. I think the culture of the world doesn't like Christianity. I know, what gave me that idea? Well as with any treuly Christian holiday we have allowed it to become about something completely different, in the case of Easter, the Easter bunny. I do wonder if the whole Easter egg hunt is some great metaphor. You know searching for something greater than ourselves and when we find it it's treasure. 
Here are some scripture for you. 
"He is risen; he is not here."
-- Mark 16:6

"This is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life."
-- 1 John 2:25 

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.