Monday, April 12, 2010

Goals,Why you need to have some.

If you were to ask a President or CEO of any company he/she would tell you they set a goal to get where they are today. Goals are essential to being successful.
As with anything in life most of us  have a goal in mind but never define what the goal is. If you can't state it on paper or out loud, will it ever happen?
Setting goals is an easy but time consuming task. This is how I do it. I get a piece of paper. Start writing down what you want from your job, home, things you want and stuff you would like to do for others.
 Break it down into individual category's i.e. home, work, personal and stuff. First, you'll need to put them in order of importance per category. Second, pick the top of each category, then get very specific with each one. Here is an example.
I need to loose 50 lbs.
I will loose 50 lbs in 6 months.
I will loose 8  lbs a month.
I will to loose 2 lbs a week.
How will I loose 2 lbs a week.
I will walk a mile every other day.
I will also put my fork down between bites.
I will also drink a full glass of water before I eat meals and snacks.
When you do this you can visualize how it's going to happen. Check mark each day what you've accomplished. At the end of the day you will feel good and you will see results.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Americans,still in high school!

Are Americans still in high school? That's a question I overheard today. The person was describing the similarities of high school pettiness and the news coverage on celebs and athletes.
I found that I agreed with her almost completely, she  was saying that in high school the "popular kids and the atletes were almost always given a pass. It didn't matter what happend they were special.
The poor kids and non-athletic were outcast not only by the popular kids but, many of the faculty as well. The really smart kids were nerds and geeks.
You hear how Ceo's and president's of companies are demonized, for the amount of money they make, their political choice and, decisions that they make to  keep the business going.
While celebrities are able to get away with almost anything and we almost never hear a complaint about how much they make to act in a movie. Athletes have come under fire for their salaries lately but, there isn't a pay czar regulating athletes pay.
When a company CEO gets into trouble, there's hell to pay. He/She will probably be lambasted by the media even if the accusation is unfounded.
The celeb will almost always be given the benefit of the doubt and, if they are guilty a tear and re-hab will get the media on their side. 
This all sounds vaguely familiar to me. I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
What does this say about our culture? 
Why are Americans so "star struck"?
Why are we stuck in high school?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ego vs Confidence

Ego vs Confidence
 Ego is the self or "I" of a person. 
      I have heard or made reference to someones EGO more than a handful of times over the last weekend. So I decided to look and see what ego was exactly. I found that having an ego wasn't a bad thing if you keep it under control. I also found that people with the biggest ego's are usually scared and unhappy and have low self-esteem. The out of control ego will point fingers and blame others for anything especially their mistakes or, short comings. Occasionally the person with the out of control ego seems confident but, given time their true colors will show.
Confidence is the belief in ones own abilities.
        The most successful people that I know are very Confident.  We all know someone like this and  want to be around this person. Why? This is the person that inspires us. They are able to lead and follow equally well. They tend not to be self serving and usually fun to be around.
         There is a fine line between a confident person and an egotist. Egotist can be very confident but they tend to be bullies. Confident people try to persuade and not bully.
Which is better? You decide.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter bible verses,Jesus and the world culture.

Easter bible verses,Jesus and the world culture. 
You know that Easter used to be about Jesus Christ. I don't think I have seen one thing on the regular T.V programing about the Messiah, except that he is not in vogue.  I don't watch a lot of T.V., however I can get the vibe from what I do consume on radio and T.V. combined. I think the culture of the world doesn't like Christianity. I know, what gave me that idea? Well as with any treuly Christian holiday we have allowed it to become about something completely different, in the case of Easter, the Easter bunny. I do wonder if the whole Easter egg hunt is some great metaphor. You know searching for something greater than ourselves and when we find it it's treasure. 
Here are some scripture for you. 
"He is risen; he is not here."
-- Mark 16:6

"This is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life."
-- 1 John 2:25 

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Making money online, from home.

Making money online, from home.
 Is it really that hard to make money from home in your spare time? The answer is no but, starting is very difficult. Why? Well first off there's deciding what you are going to do.Then you have to pick a platform or program that  you are going to use. After you make that decision you have to wade through all the information to find something useful. Then you have to take action. When I read this back it really doesn't sound all that difficult until you realize that after you join a "turnkey" business model you will be inundated with e-mails for every kind of program under the sun. 
I got this advice when I first started out and it has served me well, after I followed it. Find one thing that you think you can do and stick with it, when you have made money and reproduce the result over and over then build on top of that. Repeat again until you have several streams of cash flow. Remember for the majority it takes some time. Last but not least if you don't do anything you will not accomplish anything.


I recently heard on the news about a hospital that is no longer going to hire smokers. The commentary was really all about if the hospital had the right to take this action. I think they do. If, it is a private company they should be able to decide on who or, what kind of person they employ. I know there are a lot of people that disagree but, aren't we supposed to be free?
Why do people have to be places they aren't wanted? When I am discriminated against I leave and never return. If it is a store, restaurant or a place of business I choose not to spend my money at the establishment. I do make a complaint at the head office and I go about my day. I find a place that wants my money. An establishment that wants and respects my business.
My life is good and I don't allow the ignorance of others bother me, life is to short.
Search for Discrimination

Thursday, April 1, 2010

april fools pranks

How can anyone actually take this shit seriously.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

april fools pranks for work

April fools pranks for work
 There are a veriaty of pranks you could pull at work. The problem is people. The very people you work with are (at least in my case), way to sensitive. These co-workers may very well be so offended that they nark you out. Be careful, you don't want to lose your job over what you think is a joke. Most people would probably think it is funny. The person you pranked might get embarressed. We don't want that do we? 
My opinion is that people should lighten up and take a joke for what it is, as long as you don't go to far. You as a prankster have to know the boundaries.  

jesse james nazi picture

Jesse James Nazi picture
 Does it ever end? People must have to much time on there hands. To worry about a picture. So there is a Nazi photo of Jesse James it was released by TMZ. The photo,  is two years old according to TMZ, shows Jesse James wearing a Waffen SS visor and striking the "sieg heil" salute. There's also a german model airplane next to him. Where it was taken, TMZ does not know.
I also see he went to rehab for drug, alcohol and,sex addiction. He told a police officer after being pulled over for speeding and other violations..

I Am Jesse James

Monday, March 29, 2010

elgin park

elgin park A small model city By an artist that just wants a sense of home. He seems to like the American automobile. That is cool

Erykah Badu “Window Seat” | Clutch Magazine: The Digital Magazine for the Young, Contemporary Woman of Color

Erykah Badu “Window Seat” | Clutch Magazine: The Digital Magazine for the Young, Contemporary Woman of Color 
I enjoyed it check it out.Search for Erykah Badu


  1. Dru Hill is moving forward with plans to release their anticipated "IndruPendence Day" album this summer.
  2. On Wednesday, March 31, the group will perform at the legendary Apollo Theater's "Amateur Night,"   
  3. Dru Hill will be seen on the forthcoming reality series Platinum House.
They are going to be busy in the year of 2010.

ricky martin comes out

Ricky Martin comes out

Search for gay 

hutaree militia

hutaree militia
Several members of the group were arrested this morning on charges to commit crimes against the government.
"This is an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society," said Andrew Arena, FBI special agent in charge. "The FBI takes such extremist groups seriously, especially those who would target innocent citizens and the law enforcement officers who protect the citizens of the United States."
This group was planning on killing a local cop,then kill more cops at the funeral.
Okay, I personally take offense to the media mantra"CHRISTIAN GROUP". This group of men may very well have called themselves Christians  but, for the media to align men like this with main stream Christianity is just wrong. I have to hear over and over again how radical Islam is not The whole of Muslim faith. Why the double standard?  Christian malitia my ass.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

pregnancy pact

pregnancy pactInspired by a true story, this is a new show about Teen Pregnancy. It claims it will tackle issues of teen pregnancies in the United States. I don't know if it will be good or just some propaganda from the producers. I hope not, I really hope that it addresses all sides of the issue and not that all teens are going to have sex. So lets give them permission by giving them contraception. I think that takes a great deal of information away from the discussion. And unlike contraception abstinence works every time it's tried.


victorious. A New show staring Victoria Justice on Nickelodeon. She plays a character named Tori Vega. Should be good. Here is what she said about the show and cast.
"I just think it's such an awesome show and the writing is hilarious," Justice told MTV News on the show's set. "My whole cast is amazingly talented, so I feel like the luckiest girl in the world."Search for nickelodeon shows

Cardinals' Porter Is Arrested

Cardinals' Porter Is Arrested!Joey Porter was arrested for drunken driving in Bakersfield Ca. Apparently he assaulted a police officer and resisted arrest.
Porter refused to provide his driver’s license and began to roll up his window when asked to leave the car. When an officer reached to unlock the door, the police said, Porter slapped the officer’s hand.
That is really what we need in the world of sport star role models, I use the term loosely. Sports stars and celebrities are treated differently from the time they are seen as stars. They should be put on the same level as the rest of us, you know regular folks.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin
Sarah has a new reality show and she is a contributor on Fox. Is her political career in the crapper? It is more likely than not, although we Americans did elect our last President without any real resume.( that equals no experience) So with that being said I think it is possible for to be elected and become President. Highly unlikely but very Possible.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A safe place for kids to be online.
If you want to cheat you can find them online by searching for them
Just like anything else.

Amare Stoudemire dunk

Amare Stoudemire dunk!
dunk of the year!
You decide!

New health care bill facts

New health care bill facts!
Today only aday after the signing of the Health care bill we learn just a few details about what is in it. I am sure that this is only the beginning.
  1. Tax hikes, mainly on the highest-income Americans.
  2. A tax on medical devices and drug companies.
  3. A tax on employers for high end plans.
  4. A $750 fine for people without a medical insurance from 2014.
  5. Ins companies can no longer refuse pre-existing conditions.
The law doesn't open up the insurance industry to competition across state lines, includes no meaningful malpractice reform, and imposes few incentives on consumers to take better care of themselves.
I think that this law is a bust. The brunt of the mandates do not start for a few more years. All people that have insurance through their employers will not see a premium increase until Jan,1 2011. I personally can't wait.(sarcasm)

crystal bowersox bobby mcgee

crystal bowersox bobby mcgee!
There was a bright moment on American Idol last night.
This season has been at best lackluster. I really think miss Crystal is going to far. Take a moment and watch the video. It is exceptional.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

nexus one verizon

nexus one verizon
If this is true it would give Verizon the juice to compete with The ulastriuos I-phone.

  • Many users prefer the Android operating system which powers the Google Nexus One phone.
  • With the integration of Google applications and offerings such as GMail, and Google Voice, power users have more capabilities and uses for their smartphone than ever.

mf global

mf global
Jon Corzine, is named CEO of Mf global.
  1. Jon Corzine was a former Goldman Sachs chairman.
  2. Mr. Corzine will be MF Global's third CEO in less than 18 months.
  3. He was elected to the U.S. Senate from New Jersey in 2000.
  4. He won his first race for governor in 2005.
In a nut Shell that is the recent carrier of Jon Corzine.

biden f bomb

Biden f bomb
Today on live t.v. VP Joe Biden Used the "F" word. Apparently he was very excited about the passage of the health care bill.

Monday, March 22, 2010

world water day

world water day
Is March 22 UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon Spoke of all the bad things that are happening because of poor drinking water. He also called for a greater focus on water related issues. In the world More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence and the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution.

hong kong

hong kong
The streets of Hongkong are a place of hustle and bustle. The are full of traditiion and you will be in awe of how wild this place really is. If you want a more western feel go across the bay to Kowloon. Hongkong has everything. I really enjoyed my time there although it was many years ago.
  1. Hong Kong's street markets are always full of excitement and colour. The market stalls are where Hong Kong's dedicated shoppers hone their bargaining skills.
  2. Hong Kong is a truly "Shoppers' Paradise". There are many shopping areas throughout Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories featuring stylish shopping malls, department stores as well as bustling open-air markets.
'Ding Ding' Hong Kong Tram Guide
Cultural Kaleidoscope
There is a lot to do in Hongkong.
Go to the above web-site and see for yourself. Just come back here please. the game the game
Here is a comprehensive guide to farmville.

Click Here!
The ultimate Farmville guru shares his secrets.
You have to get this now!!
Click Here! 
Do it now!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Free electricity
You want free electricity? you have got to check this out!!!!
Click Here!

Magniwork - The Energy of Tomorrow, In Your Home Today!

DO you pay to much for energy?Have you ever wanted free electricity? Would you like to be the first person on the block to make your own electricity from home?

Click Here!

It is really easy. If you can follow instructions you can build your own electric producing generator.

Multi-color LED Light Bulb w/ Remote Control

Multi-color LED Light Bulb w/ Remote Control

What a nice way to change the mood in a room? This product has a 5-star rating

5.0 out of 5 stars

The color it produces is extremely vibrant, very saturated. The transitions are clean and look professional. As one reviewer mentioned earlier, things are a little more on the dim side. The brightest colors (blue and white) are equivalent to a 20 watt bulb and the dimmest color (red) is about an 8 watt bulb. While this perfect for mood lighting, as a party-lighting solution, you will require many bulbs. I recommend searching out and buying the bulb by the same seller without the remote when getting multiples. It saves a few bucks and you can use the same remote for all the bulbs.

The bulbs do have a memory of the last setting they were on when turning them on, either through the remote or power switch, as long as they are "trained" with the setting by leaving it on for at least a few minutes.

So you should check this product out. You can be romantic and playful and save energy because LED's use very little electricity.

Health care vote.

Health care vote
The House leadership has decided to abandon the deem and pas option. so today they will have three votes.
  1. A procedural one on the rules of the debate.
  2. A vote on the changes House Democrats have sought to the Senate health care bill.
  3. A vote on the Senate bill itself.
It appears that the people of the country have been heard at least for the moment.

iceland volcano eruption

iceland volcano eruption,
Volcano erupts in Iceland, hundreds of people forced to leave their homes.
  1. The eruption occurred around 11:30 p.m. Saturday (7:30 p.m. EDT) beside the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, the fifth largest in Iceland.
  2. Authorities declared a local state of emergency.
  3. The last eruption from the Eyjafjallajokull glacier was reportedly in the early 1800's, specifically 1821.
  4. Scientists monitor the area for seismic tremors as Iceland sits on an area that is known for many eruptions.
  5. No reports of large increases in the tremors from that area were noted.
The area around the Glacier is not densely populated so authorities were able to evacuate all those that were in danger.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bart Stupak

Bart Stupak
Who is he?
  1. He is aDenacrate from Michigan.
  2. He is Prolife.
  3. He wants the language in the Healthcare bill to say that there will be no fedral funding for abortions.
That is why he is in the news. Nancy Pelosi and the majority of demarcates are pro choice.



After some reading I can only find that this is a BitDefender update problem.

creative labs

Okay I really dig these products. I bought my kids each a Mosaic each over a year ago and they all still work. Here is a review from their web-site.

5happyMar 16, 2010
I had been looking for a mp3 that i could afford.i had a 2gb mp3 by creative.i listen to a lot of sermon.but i needed something bigger.i love the creative product it so easy to use.i am 51 yrs old not computer incline.but if a dummy like me can use it anyone can.i love this one the best lots of room for a lot of cannot beat the price.i had looked all over the web for a cheapest price amazon had them all beat.
You should check them out. you can also find at
I am not making any money from creative labs!

Deem and Pass

Deem and Pass. Is the congress going to deem and pass the health bill and, how does that work?
*The speaker will call a vote on the reconciliation bill.
*If the reconciliation bill passes with 216 votes or more she will remove the senate Healthcare bill from the reconciliation bill.
* The president of the Senate will certify the Senate Health-care bill only(not the reconciliation) and send it to the president.
* The president will sign the Senate Healthcare Bill. Making it law.
* That gives us a Government run health-care system.
That is in a nutshell how this process is said to work. Is it constitutional? I cannot answer that I am just a layman when it comes to the constitutione.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Irresistible Henry House by Lisa Grunwald

The Irresistible Henry House by Lisa Grunwald.

The Irresistible Henry House To the ranks of iconic mid-century-modern men Gump and Garp, add The Irresistible Henry House. Henry's life unspools with more realism and intention than Gump's, with less a sense of dread than Garp's, but he and his story have similar magnetism. Arriving in the world as a 'practice baby,' Henry passes between the hands of a dozen young women at the Practice House of Wilton College's Home Economics program, in a decidedly pre-Spock era that discouraged mothers from holding babies 'too much.' He inspires in these women the desire for his exclusive attention--but none want them more than Martha Gaines, the program director, who has spent her career overseeing the proper raising of a string of 'house' orphans who were always adopted out. Unable to let Henry go, Martha raises him as her own. Burdened by her need and bewildered by his own inability to reciprocate affection, Henry retreats into a silence that buys him banishment to a school for troubled teens, far from Martha's grasp. He hones his aptitude for drawing and experiences the benefits of knowing how to please women (sometimes including Mary Jane, his real childhood sweetheart). His skills open doors for him at Disney Studios, drawing Poppins penguins, and in London, working on Yellow Submarine. The complex women who pass through his life make a fascinating microcosm of the cultural revolution that redefined the expectations of all American women in the latter half of the 20th century. But it's Henry's struggle to define the desires of his own heart that propels this story, culminating in a scene as transcendent as Carver's Cathedral"

You can get this at amazon.
Or you can follow this link and get some cool quoates from Alice in wonderand.Click Here!

lauren skaar

lauren skaar.
Who is she?
*Lauren is a 2006 graduate of U.C. Santa Barbara, where she earned a B.A. in psychology, currently working in Marketing and Advertising."
*Michael Vartan is engaged to his girlfriend Lauren Skaar, his Rep confirms.
* this the music she likes according to her Facebook,* Perry Farrell
* edIT
* Oh My Stars
* The '87 Stick Up Kids
* Deep Deep Sleep.

healthcare bill

-Supporters of the Healthbill say:

*Lower the national debt.
*Give healthcare to those in need.
*Lower the premiums for the already insured.

-Non supporters of this bill say:

*increase the national debt.
*create a single payer healthcare system.
*Increase the premiums on the already insured.

This is just like Gov to be arguing. This is why we are a representative republic, so that we the people are heard and listened to.

katherine heigl wardrobe malfunction video

katherine heigl wardrobe malfunction video .See it here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

march madness predictions

march madness predictions, This is a big argument in many households around America. I think it to be a rite of passage, between fathers and sons and in today's world daughters. My children and I also argue over the girls tournament and the NIT. I really have a hard time keeping up. In all it's a great time of year to watch some college Ball.

michelle bombshell mcgee

Michelle bombshell McGgee, is claiming that she and Jessie James had an eleven Month affair. She is a tattoo model, you can see her at
There has been no word from either Jessie or Sandra's reps. Sandra Bullock did pull out of her London premier at the last minute.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

qr barcode

qr barcode. What is a qr barcode? The qr barcode is a way to store and track information very similar to a standard barcode. The unique thing about these codes is some smartphones can read them using it's camera feature and send you to a website or, give you information about a host of things. The qrbarcode stores more information than a standard upc code and are more useful.

rock and roll hall of fame 2010

Rock and Roll hall of fame 2010 was a night to remember. Why? The inductees weren't all rock& rollers. At least that is my opinion. Besides only half of Abba showed-up. Peter Gabriel wasn't there either. The only real good part was Iggy Pop performance with the stooges.

california earthquake

California earthquake, shakes southern California early this morning. Although It was considered small in size, it shuck a large area.

The quake hit not far from the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, a magnitude 5.9 quake that killed eight people and caused more than $350 million in damage.

"I'm sure people would have felt it, but this is not an earthquake that will be damaging," said USGS geophysicist Amy Vaughan. Scientists have not yet determined which fault was responsible for the latest quake, said California Institute of Technology seismologist Kate Hutton.

I have included a map from the U.S. Gov to show seismic activity in southern California and Nevada over the last week.

Earthquake  Index Map

earthquake, los angeles earthquake, earthquake california, california, earthquake los angeles